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dog training programs 

training 1o1

Training 1o1 is a private lesson at your home or at our location.


Duration: Private lessons lasting about 1 hour or slightly more, conducted either in the client's home or at a designated location.


Assessment: A free assessment is conducted initially to determine the specific training needs of the dog. This helps tailor the classes to address individual requirements.


Registration: Clients are required to register first to request a free consultation. This likely involves providing basic information and details about the dog.


Customized Training: Classes are built based on the information gathered from a questionnaire and a socialization checklist. This ensures that the training is tailored to the unique needs of each dog.


Cost: The cost for each class is $150. Additionally, there are packages available, providing clients with options to save on multiple sessions.


Vaccination Requirement: All dogs must be fully vaccinated to participate in the training program. This is a common safety measure to protect the health of the dogs involved.


This is an structured and personalized training program that takes into account the specific needs and characteristics of each dog. The emphasis on vaccination and the initial assessment contribute to a safe and effective training environment.

Daycare & Train 

The "Daycare and Train" It is a comprehensive approach to dog care, combining socialization and training. Here's a breakdown of how the program works:


Meet and Greet with Free Assessment:

   - The program starts with a meet and greet session where the dog and pet parent meet the trainers. During this time, a free assessment is conducted to understand the dog's behavior, temperament, and any specific needs.

Free Trial (4 Hours):

   - Following the meet and greet, the dog undergoes a free trial period of 4 hours. This trial is designed to assess the dog's social skills in a daycare environment. It helps determine the dog's comfort level with other dogs and people.


Scheduling the First Day of Socialization:

   - After a successful free trial, the first official day of socialization is scheduled. This involves the dog spending time in a daycare setting, interacting with other dogs under supervision.

Four 15-Minute Training Sessions:

   - During the socialization day, the dog receives four 15-minute training sessions. These sessions are tailored to the dog's individual needs, as identified through a dog questionnaire and socialization checklist. Training can cover basic commands, behavior modification, or address specific issues.

Individualized Training Based on Needs:

   - The training sessions are customized based on the information gathered from the dog questionnaire and socialization checklist. This ensures that the training addresses specific requirements and aligns with the pet parent's goals.

Home Practice for Guaranteed Results:

   - To guarantee the success of the program, pet parents are encouraged to continue practicing at home. Consistency is highlighted as the key to reinforcing the training and socialization the dog receives during the program.

Regular Communication:

   - Maintain regular communication with pet parents to provide updates on their dog's progress. Share insights from the socialization sessions and training, and address any concerns or questions the pet parent may have.


Feedback and Adjustments:

   - Gather feedback from both the dog's behavior and the pet parent's experience. Use this feedback to make any necessary adjustments to the training plan and ensure the ongoing success of the program.


Emphasis on Consistency:

   - Reinforce the importance of consistency in training and socialization practices. Provide tips and guidance on how pet parents can incorporate learned behaviors into their daily routines.


Encourage Continued Learning:

    - Encourage pet parents to continue their dog's learning journey beyond the program. Provide resources, recommendations, or additional training sessions for those interested in furthering their dog's training.


By combining daycare with training, this program offers a holistic approach to pet care, focusing on both the dog's socialization and obedience skills.

Price: $120.00 per day (packages availables) Includes swimming lesson is needed.

Board & Train

Designing a board and train program tailored to specific pet parent needs involves several key steps. Here is a step-by-step guide for creating a customized training program that spans a minimum of 2 weeks:


Initial Consultation:  We conduct a thorough initial consultation with the pet parent. Gather information about the dog's behavior, temperament, and specific training goals. Discuss any behavioral issues, commands the owner wants the dog to learn, and their expectations.

Assessment: We evaluate the dog's current behavior, obedience level, and any existing training. Identify areas that need improvement and set realistic goals based on the pet parent's requirements.


Customization of Training Plan:  We develop a tailored training plan that addresses the specific needs and goals outlined during the consultation. This may include commands like sit, stay, recall, leash manners, or addressing specific behavior problems.


Daily Schedule: We create a daily schedule outlining training sessions, exercise routines, feeding times, and rest periods. A structured routine helps dogs adapt and learn more effectively.


Positive Reinforcement Techniques: Emphasize positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviors. Use treats, praise, and rewards to reinforce good behavior, creating a positive association with training.


Socialization: If applicable, we incorporate socialization exercises to expose the dog to different environments, people, and other animals. This helps improve the dog's adaptability and reduces anxiety.


Consistency in Commands: We ensure consistency in commands and cues across all training sessions. This helps the dog understand and respond appropriately to commands given by both the trainer and the pet parent.


Regular Updates for Pet Parents: We provide regular updates to pet parents on their dog's progress. Share successes, challenges faced, and any adjustments made to the training plan. Keep an open line of communication.

Problem-Solving Sessions: We include problem-solving sessions to address any challenges or setbacks. Offer guidance on how to handle specific situations and reinforce positive training methods.


Gradual Increase in Difficulty: We gradually increase the difficulty of training exercises as the dog progresses. This ensures a continuous challenge and reinforces the learning process.


Final Evaluation: We conduct a final evaluation at the end of the 2-week program to assess the dog's overall improvement and achievements. Provide feedback to the pet parent and offer guidance on maintaining the training.


Post-Training Support: We offer post-training support, such as follow-up sessions or additional resources, to help pet parents maintain the newly acquired skills and behaviors in their dog.


Remember, flexibility is key, and the program may need adjustments based on the dog's response and individual needs. Regular communication with the pet parent ensures a successful and satisfying training experience.

Price: From $1,750.00 minimum 2 weeks.




The Puppy Pals: 8-12 Weeks Puppy Group Class


Objective: The Puppy Pals group class aims to provide a safe and fun environment for puppies aged 8-12 weeks to socialize, learn basic obedience commands, and develop good manners. This 6-week program, meeting once a week for 1 hour, will focus on building a strong foundation for a well-behaved and confident pup.


Week 1: Introduction and Socialization

- Puppy playtime and supervised interactions to promote socialization skills

- Introduction to basic commands like "sit" and "come"

- Tips for housebreaking and crate training


Week 2: Basic Obedience

- Reinforcing commands from the previous week

- Introduction to loose leash walking

- Teaching "down" and "stay" commands


Week 3: Positive Reinforcement Training

- Understanding the importance of positive reinforcement

- Teaching "leave it" and "drop it" commands

- Introduction to clicker training


Week 4: Polite Greetings and Handling

- Teaching puppies to greet people politely

- Desensitization to handling and grooming

- Introduction to basic tricks like "shake hands" or "roll over"


Week 5: Distraction Training

- Training puppies to focus amidst distractions

- Teaching "wait" and "watch me" commands

- Introduction to impulse control exercises


Week 6: Graduation and Review

- Reviewing all previously learned commands

- Graduation ceremony and certificate presentation

- Q&A session for any remaining concerns or questions


Additional Information:

- Class size: Limited to 5-6 puppies to ensure individual attention

- Vaccination requirements: All puppies must be up to date on vaccinations

- Age limit: Puppies must be between 8-12 weeks old at the start of the program

- Equipment needed: Collar/harness, leash, treats, and a clicker (optional)

- Cost: $500.00 per puppy for the entire 6-week program




The Puppy Pals: 12-16 Weeks Puppy Group Class


Objective: The Puppy Pals group class is designed to provide puppies aged 12-16 weeks with a structured and engaging learning experience. This 6-week program, meeting once a week for 1 hour, aims to enhance socialization skills, reinforce basic obedience commands, and address common puppy behavior challenges.


Week 1: Socialization and Basic Commands

- Puppy playtime and supervised interactions to promote socialization

- Introduction to basic commands like "sit," "down," and "come"

- Tips for housebreaking and crate training


Week 2: Leash Training and Loose Leash Walking

- Introduction to leash manners and loose leash walking techniques

- Teaching "heel" and "leave it" commands

- Addressing common leash-related challenges


Week 3: Positive Reinforcement Training and Recall

- Understanding the importance of positive reinforcement

- Teaching recall command ("here" or "come")

- Introduction to clicker training for effective communication


Week 4: Polite Greetings and Impulse Control

- Teaching puppies to greet people politely

- Introduction to "wait" and "stay" commands

- Addressing jumping and other impulse control challenges


Week 5: Basic Manners and Problem Solving

- Reinforcing previously learned commands

- Addressing common behavior challenges (e.g., chewing, digging)

- Introduction to basic tricks like "roll over" or "paw"


Week 6: Graduation and Review

- Reviewing all previously learned commands and behaviors

- Graduation ceremony and certificate presentation

- Q&A session for any remaining concerns or questions


Additional Information:

- Class size: Limited to 5-6 puppies to ensure individual attention

- Vaccination requirements: All puppies must be up to date on vaccinations

- Age limit: Puppies must be between 12-16 weeks old at the start of the program

- Equipment needed: Collar/harness, leash, treats, and a clicker (optional)

- Cost: $500.00 per puppy for the entire 6-week program




Leash Reactivity Rehab: Group Class for Dogs Reactive to Other Dogs and Vehicles


Objective: The Leash Reactivity Rehab group class is designed to help dogs who display reactive behavior towards other dogs and vehicles while on a leash. This 6-week program, meeting once a week for 1 hour, aims to provide a supportive and controlled environment to address leash reactivity, improve leash manners, and promote positive interactions.


Week 1: Understanding Leash Reactivity

- Introduction to leash reactivity and its causes

- Recognizing signs of stress and anxiety in dogs

- Teaching focus exercises to redirect attention


Week 2: Desensitization and Counterconditioning

- Gradual exposure to controlled triggers (other dogs and vehicles)

- Implementing positive reinforcement techniques to change emotional responses

- Teaching "look at me" and "leave it" commands


Week 3: Loose Leash Walking and Impulse Control

- Reinforcing loose leash walking skills

- Teaching "heel" and "wait" commands

- Addressing impulse control challenges during walks


Week 4: Management and Safety Measures

- Introduction to management tools (e.g., head halters, front-clip harnesses)

- Teaching emergency cues (e.g., "emergency U-turn" or "find a spot")

- Strategies for creating distance and avoiding triggers


Week 5: Controlled Socialization and Positive Interactions

- Controlled introductions to other dogs in a controlled environment

- Teaching appropriate greeting behaviors

- Promoting positive interactions and play sessions


Week 6: Graduation and Maintenance Plan

- Reviewing all previously learned techniques and commands

- Graduation ceremony and certificate presentation

- Developing a personalized maintenance plan for continued progress


Additional Information:

- Class size: Limited to 6-8 dogs to ensure individual attention and safety

- Vaccination requirements: All dogs must be up to date on vaccinations

- Age limit: Dogs must be at least 6 months old and have basic obedience skills

- Equipment needed: Collar/harness, leash, treats, and a clicker (optional)

- Cost: $600.00 per dog for the entire 6-week program




The Calm Canines: Group Class for Dogs with Separation Anxiety


Objective: The Calm Canines group class is specifically designed to help dogs suffering from separation anxiety. This 6-week program, meeting once a week for 1 hour, aims to provide a supportive and structured environment to address separation anxiety, promote relaxation techniques, and develop coping strategies for both dogs and their owners.


Week 1: Understanding Separation Anxiety

- Introduction to separation anxiety and its causes

- Recognizing signs of distress and anxiety in dogs

- Educating owners on the impact of their behavior on their dog's anxiety


Week 2: Gradual Departure Training

- Teaching gradual departure techniques to desensitize dogs to being alone

- Implementing positive reinforcement techniques during departures

- Introducing interactive toys and puzzles for mental stimulation


Week 3: Relaxation Techniques

- Teaching relaxation exercises such as "mat training" and "settling"

- Introduction to calming aids like pheromone diffusers or calming music

- Incorporating massage and touch therapy for relaxation


Week 4: Counterconditioning and Positive Associations

- Creating positive associations with departure cues and triggers

- Implementing counterconditioning techniques to change emotional responses

- Teaching dogs to associate departures with rewards and positive experiences


Week 5: Building Independence and Confidence

- Gradually increasing the duration of departures

- Encouraging independent play and self-soothing behaviors

- Addressing separation anxiety triggers and developing coping strategies


Week 6: Graduation and Maintenance Plan

- Reviewing all previously learned techniques and exercises

- Graduation ceremony and certificate presentation

- Developing a personalized maintenance plan for continued progress


Additional Information:

- Class size: Limited to 6-8 dogs to ensure individual attention and a calm environment

- Vaccination requirements: All dogs must be up to date on vaccinations

- Age limit: Dogs must be at least 6 months old and have basic obedience skills

- Equipment needed: Comfortable mat or bed, interactive toys, treats, and a clicker (optional)

- Cost: 600.00 per dog for the entire 6-week program

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